Referral and Evaluation
Establishing Special Education Services for Students
A referral is the first step toward receiving special education services. A referral is a written request for evaluation, explaining why the student might need special education services.
A student must be referred before they are evaluated. Evaluation determines if a student is eligible for special education services, and what those services might be. Once a student has been referred, a team at the student’s school will decide whether or not to evaluate the student within 25 school days.
If a student already has an IEP and is transferring into Seattle Public Schools, they do not need to be referred. Instead, the district will use the Out of district placement process.
Making a Referral
Any member of a student’s community may initiate a referral for evaluation. This community is comprised of their parents or guardians, extended family, teachers, medical professionals, community members, and/or agencies.
Referral is the first step leading towards Special Education Services. All referrals are made in writing. They are made either to the district or through a students existing school, depending on their enrollment status in Seattle Public Schools. A parent, guardian, teacher or other individual knowledgeable about that child may initiate the referral. When a referral is made, the district must act within twenty-five school days to make a decision about whether or not to evaluate for eligibility.
Materials that may be used to determine whether to evaluate include:
- Medical, therapy, or school records
- Report cards or other progress reports
- Teacher, parent, or provider information
- Other assessments
Parents/guardians must consent before any records not internal to Seattle Public Schools are shared with the district.
During the referral period, if a meeting is held, the parents/guardians will be invited. The recommendation regarding evaluation will be provided to parents/guardians in the form of Prior Written Notice. If the evaluation is denied, the parents/guardians will be notified of the reason.
Students Currently Enrolled
If your student is already enrolled in Seattle Public Schools , communicate with the staff at your student’s school to begin the referral process. A good place to start is your student’s teacher or a building administrator. If you need help making a referral, please contact us.
All referrals must be made in writing, but can occur at any time. If necessary, we can work with families to accept verbal referrals.
Student Not Enrolled with Seattle Public Schools
Referral process
What to expect during the referral process.
Referral period
The student’s parent/guardian will be contacted when a referral is received. The school-based team must make a decision within 25 school days about whether or not to evaluate the student for eligibility.
During the referral period, existing records are gathered for review. Materials that may be used to determine whether to evaluate a student include:
- Medical, therapy, or school records
- Report cards or other progress reports
- Teacher, parent, or provider information
- Other assessments
Parents/guardians must give consent before any records not internal to Seattle Public Schools are shared with the district.
Pre-referral is the process a school-based team goes through to determine if a student may need additional supports to make academic progress.
An evaluation will be scheduled if the district finds sufficient evidence to support the decision to evaluate the student, and if the student’s parent/guardian gives written consent. The results from the evaluation are used to determine eligibility for special education services.
How does a student become eligible for Special Education?
The basic sequence leading to eligibility is referral then evaluation. A referral must be made in writing to the district. This triggers communication with the parents, gathering of existing records and review. Assuming the district finds sufficient evidence to support evaluation and the parents/guardians give written consent, it is scheduled. The results are then used to determine eligibility.
Who can make a referral?
Each child is a member of a community supporting their growth and learning. This community is comprised of parents or guardians, extended family, teachers, medical professionals, community members, and/or agencies. Any concerned member of a child’s community can refer them to the district for evaluation.
Where do I begin?
- For birth to three years of age contact Within Reach of Washington State toll free at 800-322-2588.
- For three to twenty-one years of age and NOT ENROLLED in Seattle Public Schools Contact Seattle Public Schools Child Find.
- For three to twenty-one years of age and ENROLLED in Seattle Public Schools communicate with your student’s school staff about Pre-Referral and Referral.
Make a Referral
Student is Enrolled in SPS: Contact staff at your student’s school. Questions about making a referral, contact the special education team.
Student is NOT Enrolled in SPS
- WithinReach (children under the age of 3)1-800-322-2588 or WithinReach Website
- Child Find (children 3–5 years old) 206-252-0805 or
- Private School Referral (students 5–21 years old) Contact the Special Education Team.
Making a Referral for Special Education (WA State OSPI)
Child Find: What Parents Need to Know (
District Registration
Special Education Services are provided to qualified students regardless of registration status in Seattle Public Schools. Referral or qualification for services does not automatically register a student in the district. This is a separate process through the admissions department.